Hengshui Lake is the second biggest wetland in whole China, and one of the most important wetlands in the world. This project is a part of a full technical and financial proposal for providing "Consulting Services for Education for Sustainable Development in the frame of the Hengshui Lake Conservation and Management Project in Hebei Province, PR China".
The given proposal perceives Hengshui lake region as a living organism, which leads to a holistic approach to the issue. In the design zone, a modular system is proposed not only functioning for physical connection of the target points, but also making a spiritual integrative memory connection between the special nodes. Being repeated in all over the site, the modular element has the potential to adapt with different functions and qualities. The designed modular system forms the stationary spaces as "thematic laboratories" at some points, as well as building the mobile facilities as "experience boats" accessing even the remotest parts of the Lake zone.
Hengshui, Hebei Province, China
Hengshui Binhu New Zone Management Committee
29.600 ha
1. Platz Wettbewerb
pg landschaften GmbH, Sissach, Schweiz
Bellprat Associates AG, Zürich, Schweiz
DFS Deutsche Forstservice GmbH, Feldkirchen